
IMPORTANT NOTICE: We are pleased to announce that the e-payment facility has now been restored. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience and understanding. Should you have any queries, you may contact the Wharfage office via phone 876-923-5141-5 or email wharfage@kftl-jm.com. 


In an effort to provide greater convenience to our customers and other stakeholders KFTL is pleased to offer an online payment system for the payment of terminal charges. This facility is based on the use of the e-government payment platform which is housed by the Ministry of Finance and to which KFTL is connected and enhances the ability of customers to do business with the terminal.

Contact Us

More Contact Info
1 876 923-5141-5
1 876 923-3100 (fax)


Operating Hours

Vessel Operations are 24/7

Gate Operations – 7am – 4:30pm

Fridays – 7am-4:00pm

(closed on weekends & public holidays)

Warehouse Operations – 8am – 4pm (closed on weekends & public holidays)


Berths 9-11, Port Bustamante
PO Box, 214 G.P.O. Kingston
Jamaica W.I.