Security and Safety

Security Requirements at KFTL

Security at KFTL is governed by the governed by CMA-CGM Terminal Security Guidelines and by the requirements of the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code. For KFTL the ISPS Code is enforced by the designated regulatory authority in Jamaica, the Port Authority of Jamaica (PAJ).

The ISPS Code employs an international system of three Security Levels:

  • Security Level 1: Normal
  • Security Level 2: Heightened
  • Security Level 3: Exceptional

These Security Levels reflect the likelihood that a security incident will occur; the higher the Security Level the greater the likelihood of a security incident. Levels above Security Level 2 is set by the government of Jamaica Minister with responsibility for Transport in conjunction with the Minister with responsibility for National Security in the Jamaica. It is communicated through PAJ to the Terminal; the Maritime Authority of Jamaica, the JDF Coast Guard, Marine Police and vessels which have signaled their intention to call at KFTL.

At Security Level 1, the Terminal is required to have baseline security measures in place. Security Level 2 represents a heightened level of threat, and the Terminal is required to increase levels of protective security. Security Level 3 represents an imminent and specific threat, and the Terminal is required to increase security provisions still further and respond to instructions from relevant national security control authorities.

KFTL also executes other security protocols in order to ensure cargo and container integrity and to comply with local and international mandates relating to contraband enforcement, dangerous cargo and high security cargo. In this regard, all necessary measures and standards are implemented with respect to access control, searches, surveillance and perimeter and facility integrity, loss prevention and asset protection and in so doing KFTL runs and maintains a robust physical security protection system.

The aim of the protective security measures is to reduce the risk to the Terminal to an acceptable level. Therefore, at times when risk is assessed to be greater there will be more stringent security measures in force than when the risk is deemed to be the risk is lower.

  • Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Substances Procedures
  • Ships’ Crew and Shore Leave
  • Ship and Port Facility Communication Links
  • Ship Security Alert
  • Response Agencies and Control Authorities
  • Designated restricted areas
Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Substances Procedures

The Terminal employs strict protocols in relation to any dangerous goods passing through the port facility and procedures for handling, securing and recording the transit of such goods are in place. Existing safety requirements (consistent with the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, IMDG Code) provide a strong foundation on which security requirements are based.

Ships’ Crew and Shore Leave

The Terminal considers it essential that the rights and needs of seafarers are considered throughout the security process and that security measures do not unduly inhibit seafarers’ ability to access shore facilities, take shore leave and receive visitors. The Terminal will pay particular attention to the needs of ships’ crew when implementing pass systems and conducting searching. Ship’s crew are required to carry passports, Seafarer’s ID card, or ship’s pass in order to exit or enter the port facility.

Ship and Port Facility Communication Links

The Terminal will ensure that there are effective channels of communication between the port facility and ships within, or intending to enter, KFTL. For example, the Terminal must be aware of the Security Level of any ship intending to enter so that, where necessary, appropriate actions can be taken. The Terminal will also ensure effective communication between security personnel within KFTL which will allow coordinated response to a security incident.

Ship Security Alert

Response to any criminal activity on the seas in Jamaican waters rests with the Marine Police and the Jamaica Defence Force Coast Guard (JDF CG). Responsibility for investigation and prosecution of all offences committed in Jamaican waters rests with the Jamaican Police. The Ship Security Alert System (SSAS), if activated in Jamaican waters will be received by the JDF Coast Guard on behalf of the Maritime Authority of Jamaica and the Coast Guard will determine in conjunction with the MAJ any required action.

Response Agencies and Control Authorities

KFL keeps up to date contact details for all relevant response agencies and control authorities to ensure rapid and effective communication in security emergencies or when necessary. Relevant agencies / authorities may include:

  • Port Authority of Jamaica (PAJ);
  • Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) ;
  • Jamaica Customs Agency;
  • Jamaica Defense Force- Coast Guard;
  • Ministry of Transport and Works;
  • Ministry of Health
  • Marine Police;
  • Fire Department;
  • Passport Immigration Citizenship Agency.
Designated restricted areas

The Terminal will designate restricted areas within a port facility. The following areas will generally be classed as restricted areas:

  • Areas where dangerous goods and hazardous substances are stored;
  • Areas where high value cargo are stored under surveillance;
  • Passenger berths gangways/ shore-side areas immediately adjacent to the ship;
  • Waterside at berths;
  • Container freight storage areas;
  • Empty container storage areas;
  • Container exchange areas;
  • Break bold and customs inspections areas;
  • Warfage and fee payment areas;
  • control authorities’ check and search points; and
  • essential electrical, radio and telecommunication, water and other utility installations;
  • engineering building and workshops;
  • operations buildings;
  • administrative buildings

Restricted areas will, in the majority of cases, be permanent and such areas will be delineated, secured and sign-posted. However, when the Terminal handles a particular vessel, cargo or traffic type on an infrequent basis, the restricted area may be temporary (albeit with the same characteristics i.e. signed and secured).

Signs are displayed around the perimeter of restricted areas to make clear that access is prohibited unless a person has a recognized pass and has been liable to body/possession or vehicular search. Signs will be clear, legible and prominently displayed either on the approach to the area or affixed to structures forming part of that area.

The Terminal will ensure that access to restricted areas is not facilitated by the proximity of vehicles or any other item that could be used as a climbing aid to help circumvent the fence. This “clear zone” is maintained around a restricted area irrespective of the prevailing Security Level. The Terminal will post signs along the berth face to warn approaching unauthorized vessels that they are in a restricted area and the consequences of the breach

Pass Systems.

KFTL is required to have pass systems for all those requiring access to Terminal and controlled buildings. The primary purpose of a pass system is to aid identification and control access. The Terminal pass system incudes full passes, temporary passes and day passes for both persons and vehicles.

  • Full Passes
  • Temporary Passes
  • Day Passes
  • Vehicle Passes
Full Passes

An identity document produced either automatically or manually, must be issued to all members of staff employed at the Terminal that require regular, authorized and unescorted access to a restricted area or controlled building. Before a full pass is issued, the Security Manger must be satisfied that adequate background checks have been carried out. This must include checks of two forms of identification, including a passport wherever possible, and a criminal record check. All full passes will incorporate the following features in their design:

  • A recent photograph and full name of the holder.
  • A pass-specific serial number.
  • A readily identifiable KFTL design or logo.
  • Colour or shading to enable full passes to be easily distinguished from other passes.
  • Expiry Date.
Temporary Passes

A temporary pass must be issued to all contractors, consultants and regular trade persons who are employed for specific periods of time or who may require occasional, authorized and unescorted access to a restricted zone or controlled building. Temporary passes will incorporate the same features as full passes, but are not required to include a photograph of the pass holder. Before a day pass is issued, visitors / trades persons must present at least one valid form of photo identification (preferably a passport or drivers licence) and provide a valid reason for requiring access to the area or building.

Day Passes

A day pass will be issued to all visitors and occasional trades persons requiring access to a restricted area or Controlled Building. Day passes will incorporate the same features as full passes, but are not required to include a photograph of the pass holder.

Before a day pass is issued, visitors / trades persons must present at least one valid form of photo identification (preferably a passport or drivers licence) and provide a valid reason for requiring access to the area or building.

Vehicle Passes

Full, temporary or day vehicle passes (as appropriate) may be issued to all persons requiring access to a restricted area by vehicle. All vehicle passes will include the following details:

  • Vehicle Registration
  • Make and model of vehicle
  • A pass-specific serial number.
  • A readily identifiable KFTL specific design or logo.
  • Colour or shading to enable full passes to be easily distinguished from other passes.
  • Expiry Date.

Before a vehicle pass is issued, the equivalent identification requirements for full, temporary and day passes outlined above must be met.

Contact Us


Operating Hours

Vessel Operations are 24/7

Gate Operations – 7am – 4:30pm

Fridays – 7am-4:00pm

(closed on weekends & public holidays)

Warehouse Operations – 8am – 4pm (closed on weekends & public holidays)


Berths 9-11, Port Bustamante
PO Box, 214 G.P.O. Kingston
Jamaica W.I.