
KFTL Encourages Increased Use of its E-Payment Services

September 16, 2019 by Trevesa DasilvaKFTL

In an effort to provide greater convenience to our customers, Kingston Freeport Terminal Limited (KFTL) wishes to invite more customers to conduct transactions online via https://www.kftl.egovja.com.

E-payment Benefits
 Ability to view charges and containers online
 Convenience of paying online from anywhere in the world at anytime (service available 24/7)
 Improved processing time
 Dedicated cashier for e-payment customers
 Priority granted to e-payment customers

E-payment Registration
To register for e-payment, a registration form must be completed and returned to the Wharfage department via email wharfage@kftl-jm.com. E-payment clients will receive account set up information and will need a Visa or Master credit card to make payments online.

Contact Us
For any clarifications, please contact us via the following:
Email: wharfage@kftl-jm.com Tel: 876-923-5141-5 ext. 3030/3033/3035

Thank you for your continued partnership and cooperation.

Contact Us


Operating Hours

Vessel Operations are 24/7

Gate Operations – 7am – 4:30pm

Fridays – 7am-4:00pm

(closed on weekends & public holidays)

Warehouse Operations – 8am – 4pm (closed on weekends & public holidays)


Berths 9-11, Port Bustamante
PO Box, 214 G.P.O. Kingston
Jamaica W.I.