
Jamaica recently welcomed two new shipping services to the Port of Kingston, the Panama Direct Line and the Mediterranean Caribbean, which both had their inaugural call last month.

Kingston Freeport Terminal Limited (KFTL) Deputy CEO, Thomas Vernier and Port Authority of Jamaica (PAJ) President, Professor Gordon Shirley, made a presentation on December 9, 2019 to Captain Kirill Vereschchak of the Seatrade Blue, one of the vessels on the ‘Round the World’ Panama Direct Line. Both the Panama Direct Line and the Mediterranean Caribbean services are jointly operated by CMA CGM and Marfret.

The Panama Direct Line – also known as North Atlantic South Pacific – is a multi-trade service fully integrating 15 strategic markets to the CMA CGM global network, allowing for fast connections to and from Europe, North America, Caribbean, French Pacific Islands, Australia and New Zealand. The line features 13 vessels making 17 ports of call over a period of 91 days, with weekly visits to the Port of Kingston.

The Mediterranean Caribbean service offers best port connectivity from the Mediterranean to the Caribbean, US Golf, Mexico, Central & South America and Europe with optimized connections in Kingston to cover Caribbean & Central America. The service features eight vessels, with a capacity of 6500/7000 TEUs, making 17 ports of call over a period of 57 days, with weekly visits to the Port of Kingston.

With Jamaica’s optimal geographical location and KFTL situated at one of the world’s largest natural harbours, the company stands ready to provide excellent service to the new lines. “We are pleased to offer our standard of service to these new lines which will give our customers more flexibility and space reliability, as well as vast transhipment opportunities using the CMA CGM worldwide network,” noted Vernier.

CMA CGM is the fourth leading shipping line in the world, with a network of 200 shipping routes between 420 ports in 150 different countries. The new services are yet another way the company is showing its commitment to the Port of Kingston and Jamaica’s shipping industry, while reinforcing its reliability and competitiveness as well as meeting its customers’ needs in this region.


In an effort to provide greater convenience to our customers, Kingston Freeport Terminal Limited (KFTL) wishes to invite more customers to conduct transactions online via https://www.kftl.egovja.com.

E-payment Benefits
 Ability to view charges and containers online
 Convenience of paying online from anywhere in the world at anytime (service available 24/7)
 Improved processing time
 Dedicated cashier for e-payment customers
 Priority granted to e-payment customers

E-payment Registration
To register for e-payment, a registration form must be completed and returned to the Wharfage department via email wharfage@kftl-jm.com. E-payment clients will receive account set up information and will need a Visa or Master credit card to make payments online.

Contact Us
For any clarifications, please contact us via the following:
Email: wharfage@kftl-jm.com Tel: 876-923-5141-5 ext. 3030/3033/3035

Thank you for your continued partnership and cooperation.


Kingston Freeport Terminal Limited (KFTL) is in the process of renovating its main entrance which will see the construction of a new guardhouse, new ISPS fence installation, as well as new KFTL signage.

The project is expected to be completed by early October 2019. While it is not expected to disrupt the entrance and exit procedures at the main entrance, we apologize for any inconvenience which may be caused.

We thank you for your patience and support as we continue to upgrade our facilities and systems to serve you better.


In our ongoing efforts to provide better service to our customers, Kingston Freeport Terminal Limited (KFTL) has launched its new billing system.  The system will include a brand new online e-payment platform, which will be launched in April 2019.

Billing System
The introduction of this system will provide the following improvements:
 Faster invoice processing
 Real-time integration to our e-payment platform
 More secure payment options

Changes to invoices
The invoices will have a new look and feel and will be standardized. In addition, we will only be issuing electronic invoices in support of our environmental campaign, KFTL Go Blue, which is aimed at reducing our carbon footprint.

Enhanced e-Payment platform
Acceptable payment methods are:
 Citi Jamaica to Citi Jamaica – for customers with local Citibank Jamaica bank accounts
 Visa and MasterCard Credit Card – for local and international customers
 ACH Debit (local) – for local customers processing online payments from other local banks
 Citi New York to Citi New York – for customers with Citibank New York bank accounts (to be introduced at a later time)

Contact Us
For any clarifications, please contact us via the following:

For wharfage-related queries
Email: wharfage@kftl-jm.com
Tel: 876-923-5141-5 ext. 3030/ 3033/ 3035

For billing-related queries
Email: billing@kftl-jm.com
Tel: 876-923-5141-5 ext. 3038/ 3042/ 3063


Kingston Freeport Terminal Limited (KFTL) has implemented changes to its gate process, effective March 18, 2019. The changes are part of the company’s ongoing efforts to enhance its systems and processes to provide better service to its customers.

The new gate process will help to:
• Improve traffic management and reduce the truck turn-around time
• Increase the security of information as well as cargo control through the installation of Gate Booths, which will help prevent trucks without the correct information from entering or leaving our facilities
• Enhance customer focus by reducing manual administrative processes and avoid trucks parking in the entrance creating congestion
• Increase the level of safety for users by reducing the concentration of pedestrians and ensuring a more controlled area
• Reduce the parking during the Gate In process
• Set the foundation for improvements in our technological systems including eventual introduction of automated gate process and optimal container recognition (OCR)

Stakeholders who wish to contact KFTL with any questions or concerns about the changes may email contactus@kftl-jm.com.




Kingston Freeport Terminal Limited (KFTL), started off 2019 on a high note when it recorded its best performance ever, in the history of the Port of Kingston.

A total of 3304 moves were handled within 24 hours of operation on the Post-Panamax vessel, Cosco Beijing, which arrived at the terminal on January 24. This included 1464 containers being unloaded and another 1840 containers loaded back onto the vessel.

KFTL achieved an average crane productivity of 36 moves per hour and average berth performance of 136 moves per hour with only four (4) gantry cranes working on the mainliner. With this top performance on the Cosco Beijing, which has a capacity of 9,383 TEUS, KFTL is showing present and future clients that it is ready more than ever to accommodate increased volumes.

KFTL, a subsidiary of the third largest shipping company worldwide, French-based CMA CGM, assumed responsibility for the management and development of the Kingston Container Terminal in July 2016, under a 30 year Concession Agreement with the Government of Jamaica.

KFTL facilitates the import and export of goods to and from Jamaica and also serves as a transshipment hub that connects a network of international shipping routes.

Simon Farhat, chief operating officer at KFTL noted that especially for the transhipment market, fast and efficient performance is the key success factor. “The challenge is to maintain these levels so that more business can come to Jamaica,” he noted. “All of us at KFTL are aiming to keep this level of performance and are looking forward to continued growth and success,” Farhat shared.


With the government’s recent introduction of a ban on plastic bags and straws, Kingston Freeport Terminal Limited (KFTL) is reporting that it has recycled over 100,000 plastic bottles in over seven months, since the launch of its environmental initiative, “KFTL Go Blue.”

Since June 2018, KFTL has separated and sent for recycling approximately 105,570 plastic bottles and 656lbs of cardboard. The facility, which employs some 1200 workers, has also discontinued the use of single-use plastic straws and has substituted styrofoam food-ware with biodegradable containers at its canteen facility.

“This was possible through the collective efforts of KFTL staff and partners,” noted Christopher Gayle, Environmental Specialist at KFTL. “We look forward to continued support in 2019, when we will seek to increase productivity while reducing the environmental impact of our operations through the implementation of additional initiatives,” he said.

The campaign, which was launched on World Environment Day (June 5, 2018), features various initiatives to improve waste management, energy and resource conservation at the facility. This includes placing colour-coded bins in strategic locations across the terminal to facilitate separation of waste streams by staff and stakeholders. The separated waste is then collected by KFTL’s designated contractor, Recycling Partners of Jamaica.


The New Causeway Fishing Complex on Dyke Road in Portmore, St. Catherine, was the beneficiary of Kingston Freeport Terminal Limited’s (KFTL) cleanup efforts  during International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) Day on September 15, 2018.

The cleanup was executed by over 86 KFTL staff as well as volunteers from the Rotary Club of Spanish Town and fisherfolk from the New Causeway Fishing Village.

Over 150 bags of garbage were collected during the activity and from that amount, 87 bags totaling 657lbs or approximately 20,000 plastic bottles were separated and handed over to the Recycling Partners of Jamaica following the cleanup.

The ICC Day partnership with the New Causeway Fishing Village is in direct alignment with KFTL’s continued support to near port communities and forms part of the company’s corporate social responsibility programme.

In addition to cleaning up the fishing beach, KFTL volunteers also gathered data on the garbage collected which will be used by the Ocean Conservancy and Jamaica Environment Trust (JET) to educate and advocate for improved waste management practices and policies.

This is the second year in which KFTL has joined in the ICC activities, organizing and sponsoring its own cleanup efforts at the selected location and helping to raise awareness about waste and its impact on the environment.

KFTL, earlier this year, also launched an environmental campaign at its facility, which features various initiatives to improve waste management, energy and resource conservation. These include a recycling campaign KFTL has discontinued the supply of single-use plastic straws at its canteen facility and is advancing plans to replace styrofoam food-ware with bio-degradable containers.

ICC Day, which takes place on the third Saturday in September every year, is the largest one-day volunteer event in the world and has been coordinated globally by the Ocean Conservancy since 1985 and locally by JET since 2008.


Please be advised that on Saturday August 25, 2018, Kingston Freeport Terminal Limited will facilitate the delivery of Full Import containers (Full Container Loads) as well as the receival of empty containers between the hours of 8:00 am and 2:00 pm.

Kindly note that this arrangement is to facilitate an increase in our Domestic Operations volumes and will only be for the day and time(s) stated, unless otherwise specified.

Thank you for your cooperation.


As the world continues to observe “Plastic Free July,” Kingston Freeport Terminal Limited (KFTL) is reporting that in just six weeks since the launch of its environmental initiative, “KFTL Go Blue: Recycling Begins with you,” approximately 30,000 plastic bottles (or 970 lbs) have been separated for recycling by its over 1000 employees.

The campaign, which was launched on World Environment Day (June 5), features various initiatives to improve waste management, energy and resource conservation at the facility. This includes placing colour-coded bins in strategic locations across the terminal to facilitate separation of waste streams by staff and stakeholders. The separated waste is then collected by KFTL’s designated contractor, Recycling Partners of Jamaica.

“The support has been remarkable so far from both staff and stakeholders,” noted Christopher Gayle, Environmental Specialist at KFTL. “We are cognizant of the fact that waste separation practices are part of an overall behavioural change which is necessary for us to see real impact, so we will continue to raise awareness so that the efforts are seen not just on the port but also in our wider communities,” he added.

The major objective of the KFTL Go Blue initiative is to reduce the environmental footprint of KFTL’s operations through energy/resource conservation and recycling/ solid waste management.

In addition, KFTL has discontinued the supply of single-use plastic straws at its canteen facility and is progressing with plans to replace styrofoam food-ware with bio-degradable containers.

The Recycling Partners of Jamaica reported that between March 2014 and March 2017, it collected over 3.3 million pounds of plastic – or over 100 million plastic bottles – from the environment in Jamaica.

Contact Us


Operating Hours

Vessel Operations are 24/7

Gate Operations – 7am – 4:30pm

Fridays – 7am-4:00pm

(closed on weekends & public holidays)

Warehouse Operations – 8am – 4pm (closed on weekends & public holidays)


Berths 9-11, Port Bustamante
PO Box, 214 G.P.O. Kingston
Jamaica W.I.